Businesses in Taitokortteli


You can find out more about businesses and boutiques that reside here in Taitokortteli below. Links are to their corresponding Finnish webpages, where you may find more information about their products and services in Finnish.


Aiku IhanaAiku Ihana

Aiku Ihana is a small business of a single passionate and relentless craftsperson from Joensuu. In this boutique, you will find unique sauna and home accessories and products.


kassara.jpgKassara Tattoo

Kassara Tattoo offers tattoos and pet portraits done in pencil, black and white or colored and in pastel.


Mateli verkkobanneri.jpgMatelin Lahja-aitta

A catalogue of our own women's clothing made from recycled and natural materials. Additionally, gift your friends and family cheerful sauna textiles.



PHOTO-2021-03-05-00-05-12 (1).jpgSarustiikka

Engaging and carefree decoration store. Our shop is located in place of a former forge in our lovely brick house. From our selection, you may find handcrafted treasures, new and wonderful products made from old and rough recycled pieces and also postcards and posters.


Hoitohuone TuiKi.jpgHoitohuone TuiKi

Hoitohuone TuiKi brings balance to your body and mind with relaxing and fortifying energy treatments that are based on chinese medicine.

dbk4.jpgDesign by Kieto

Design by Kieto presents you charmingly illustrated, high quality baubles and decorations that you fit to your clothes or home.


Aamiaiskattaus_tilattu.jpgCafé: Kauppaneuvoksen kahvila

Our lovely café offers a respite for visitors looking for nourishment and some peace and quiet.


Mokomia2.jpgMokomia Lifestyle

Mokomia is a small and atmospheric boutique filled with bubbling personality and a vast variety of items  located in our gorgeous 150-year-old wooden building.



taitoshop_tiilitalo_02.jpgTaito Shop

Our own Taito Shop, located in our brick house, is a store providing you with high quality artisanal products from Finland. Our selection offers a wide variety of regional arts and crafts treasures as well as traditional products.

003_Helmipihlaja Kammari kuva_Leena Jääskeläinen.JPGHelmikammari

Helmipihlaja is a small boutique where you can find traditional Karelian outfits and accessories, like sarafans and feresis. You can also place an order or rent outfits.


kuitu_kansikuva.jpgKuitukeijun lankapuoti

Kuitukeiju provides you with an extensive variety of specialized yarns from Finland and all over the world for your knitting needs.


Peremmälle (1).pngPeremmälle

Peremmälle offers mental welfare for businesses and managers, private and groups alike. Methods include clinical hypnotherapy, coaching, clinical supervision and education.




Taitokeskus offers you yarns, materials, tools and guidance from your basic to your more advanced needs in handiworks. You may also order custom-made decorative textiles from us. Additionally, enrollment for various courses is available here.

Are you a Taito-member?

Join via following form (form in finnish) to gain membership benefits from materials and courses at Taitokeskus and Taitobus.

Tilaa uutiskirjeemme!

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